I’ve really been missing Italy. The people, the food, the rolling green hills dotted with sunflowers. But most of all I’m missing the slow pace of life.
Don’t get me wrong. Los Angeles is an amazing city. So many opportunities exist at every turn. But this past week I felt like I was in a race to get somewhere and I had no clue where I was headed.
Traffic and trying to fit in all my commitments and keep everyone happy left me feeling drained, stressed and uninspired and ready to throw in the towel.
And the truth is my EGO is the one pushing me to do more and be more. While my inner light is happiest when I have quiet time. Time to be alone. Time to be silent. Time to meditate and drink in the beauty of this gorgeous planet.
So today I decided to switch off my phone and immerse myself in Mother Nature. A hike in the canyons and a trip to the flower market where I bought enough sunflowers to make me feel like I was in back in Tuscany.
And tomorrow I’m heading to the ocean, my happy place, to surf. I’m making no apologies for taking care of myself first. I’m unplugging from deadlines, meetings, appointments and to do lists so I can regroup and make decisions with a clear head.
What do you do when life seems to be spiraling out of control and you need to calm the eye of the oncoming storm. Email me. I would love to hear your tips and tricks?
xxx Chef MM
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