Wow! It was a bumper packed 2018. Towards the end, I was seriously fried, so I really enjoyed taking time off to spend with my family. No technology and no work. Thanks for hanging in there while I was away.
The last week involved lots of adrenaline packed adventures and YES, I made it out alive. There was lots of napping and family cuddle time. And the quiet, gave me space to formulate a game plan for the New Year.
I am so excited for 2019 and honored to have you join me on this journey. 12 new chapters, 365 chances for each of us. Wooooohooo. Let’s make this year the best one yet.
I am not one to make New Year’s resolutions. Why deal with the inevitable fact that I will break them? So my new year’s resolution has ALWAYS been… MAKE NO RESOLUTIONS.
My goal is to strive for balance. That means saying no to things and people that stress me out, leaving time for play and understanding I’m one person that can only do so much. It’s totally okay to finish it tomorrow.
That said there are lots of exciting projects in the pipeline including a TV show and wellness plan I cannot wait to share with you.
I think health and wellness is based as much on your mindset as your diet and workouts. My goal is to be happy. So heading into the New Year I want you to aim for longevity rather than a quick fix.
Schedule in time for self-love and spiritual maintenance. If you can, start a daily meditation practice. The positive impact on your life of even 5 minutes a day, will blow you away.
As far as diet and exercise, think about it as a lifestyle that has room for error. I live by the 80/20 rule. Try stick to healthy eating 80% of the time, but enjoy indulging the other 20%. It’s more about moderation and portion size.
And wherever possible, try cook as much of the food you eat as you can. And move your body in ways you love every day. Remember to mix it up so you body doesn’t plateau.
Thanks again for all your love and support. Wishing you a new year filled with magic, wonder, exciting adventures, dreams realized, special people, balance, good health and lots of happy laugh out loud fun.
xxx MM
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