A dream written down with a date becomes a goal
A goal broken down into steps becomes a plan
A plan backed by action becomes a reality
How many of you have goals you want to achieve but you just haven’t been able to make them happen?
The first problem is that you are probably concentrating on too many things. To really get ahead, you have to have laser-like focus.
You wouldn’t drive off without first putting a destination in your GPS. So pick up a piece of paper and map the endpoint.
Yes, go get paper and pen and follow these steps. Then put the paper somewhere you can see it every day. I like my bathroom mirror.
1) Write down only ONE GOAL you want to achieve
2) Detail exactly what success and achieving it would look like for you
3) Identify the situations and people that waste your time, sap your energy and trip you up (social media, TV, negative people) and commit to avoiding them
4) Write down a future date (WHEN) you want to achieve this goal
5) Schedule time into your calendar every day (even if it’s just 30 minutes) to accomplish this goal. Don’t skip this important step. If it’s not a priority you won’t make it happen
6) Put in the work, even if you are afraid to. Go out there and do it. It’s action not luck that turns dreams into reality.
So feel the fear and DO IT ANYWAY.
I would love to hear more about the goals you are setting and the end date. Send me and email with your goals so you COMMIT TO IT IN WRITING.
Think of this as your first step to being held accountable to achieve your dreams. I’m rooting for you and cheering you on to victory.
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