Which translates to… At the table, one does not grow old.
The Italians understand this very simple truth. Time at the table is the cornerstone of their culture.
I have come to adore the way they unwind over long, lazy 3 hour lunches. Dinners with endless courses of delicious food, dolce, vino, and espresso go on till midnight. The best is the company, conversation, and laughter around the table.
I grew up in South Africa, where dinner time was sacred. We’d sit down for a family meal every night. In fact, it was the thing I missed the most when I moved to LA. And I have continued this tradition in my own home. Every night we sit together.
Life is crazy busy. I get it. And so many people eat in their car or at their desk staring into a screen. But if the Italians are to be believed, mealtime is the secret to longevity.
What does mealtime look like for you? Do you cook for and eat with those you love? Or does everyone eat at different times? What are your biggest challenges… time, cooking, or otherwise? Would love you to share. Send me an email so I can help you deal with the challenges.

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