A couple of years ago I started struggling with adult acne. This was totally foreign to me because I had never suffered with it as a teenager. I was so depressed and in desperation I turned to Rapaport Dermatology a leading Beverly Hills dermatologist.
You have no idea how many of LA’s hottest celebrities they treat. Their waiting room is jammed with all the stars you see in the weekly tabloid magazines. These top Hollywood celebrities trust them with their skin care needs.
I have been going to them for the past 15 years. Dr Marvin J. Rapaport MD and his daughter Dr Vicki Rapaport are an incredible team and it is virtually impossible to get an appointment.

“SKN Beverly Hills” is their line of cutting edge essential skin products for the face and body. These can only be purchased in their offices and on their website. Items in the line have become staples in the beauty and cleansing routines of LA’s most beautiful people.

They are so busy that people wait months to see them, so I was over the moon when Dr Vicki agreed to answer some questions for my readers about skin care, acne and aging. I am so excited to share her knowledge with you.
MM – More and more adults are suffering with acne. Why is this?
VR – There are hormonal surges and changes that occur in your thirties and beyond. Those hormonal roller coasters can make for acne later in life.
MM – Does your diet affect acne? Are there food products you’ve seen that create a cause and effect with the skin?
VR – We know that a high sugar and carb diet has the potential to affect hormones at a deep level not quite understood. We also know that although not great for your health overall, fried foods do not cause acne! Nor does chocolate! Some people are very susceptible to dairy causing acne but not all people are created alike. In general, a well balance diet full of fresh fruits and vegetable and lean proteins and no processed foods are best to create an overall, anti-inflammtory environment in your body and skin.
MM – What is the best way to treat a pimple?
VR – If your pimple is small, like a blackhead, whitehead or small pustule, a quick extraction with Qtips after a warm steamy shower can unplug it easily. If it doesn’t come out, by all means, STOP. Try again the next day after a shower. If you have a cyst, there is very little you can do to stop it in its tracks but you can speed up the healing time with a bit of over the counter cortisone cream applied twice per day. A good benzoyl peroxide gel can also help dry up pimples quickly. We like SKN Beverly Hills Adult Acne Pore Vacuum Gel

MM – What’s the best way to prevent the signs of aging without spending a fortune?
VR – SUN AVOIDANCE!. Sunscreen alone is not enough. I also love Retin-A which costs less than $100 for a few months supply. This will slough off the top dead layer and smooth out the skin tone beautifully. You can even give yourself a peel if you use it 3-5 day on a row. The skin literally peels off revealing a smooth pink buttery skin underneath.

MM – With so many anti-aging products on the market, what ingredients should people look for?
VR – The top ingredient you should incorporate into your skincare routine must include a sunscreen, a retinoid (retinol or Rx Retin-A), an antioxidant (vitamin C, green tea, coffee berry), a peptide and a growth factor. It may seem overwhelming but these days you can find one products with a multitude of these ingredients in them. Again my favorites are Elizabeth Arden Triple Sunscreen , Skinceuticals C and E Ferulic , SKN Perfect Day and Night Cream with peptides and Rx Retin-A.

MM – What new treatment are you excited about?
VR – Laser First! is my new motto! These new fractionated lasers help tighten the skin and rejuvenate the outer layer with no downtime and beautiful results. Laser First Ladies!
MM – What’s the most common mistake people make with their skincare routine?
VR – Thinking that their sunscreen protects them from sun damage and future wrinkles! Sunscreens give us a false sense of security! Hats, crew neck shirts and long sleeves during the day, low cut, backless, and sleeveless at night
MM – Should you use cold or warm water when washing your face?
VR – Warm water when washing to open up the pores, cool water to help seal them up again. You can use either temperature when using a Clarsonic since it seems to clean up the skin so efficiently no matter what the temp is.
MM – How much water should we really drink for good skin?
VR- We need to drink about half our weight in ounces per day. So a woman who weighs 140 pounds should drink 70 ounces of water per day, or approximately 8-9 cups per day. Drink through a straw, it goes down faster.
MM – Can you share any skin-care secrets of the stars?
VR- Yes! All my lovely, gorgeous, exquisite, superstar models and actresses have acne! So don’t feel like you are alone. They do whatever it takes to get it under control including facials, peels, prescription creams, oral medication and have meticulous skincare routines. They are always on the cutting edge and like to try whatever is new and promising to keep them youthful and glowing. No one is lazy about their skin.
MM – What are you favorite skin care products from your line?
VR – Our new line for adult acne sufferers is easy and effective. It’s called The Adult Pore Vacuum Kit and it includes a wash, an acne gel and a moisturizer.

My next favorite is our oh-so-afforable Perfect Day and Night moisturizer. Not only does it lubricate brilliantly, it is the perfect thickness, not too thin, not too greasy and the perfect price at $16.

I’m obsessed right now with the Resveratrol Cream which contains the antioxidant resveratrol from grapes that helps reverse cell damage by quenching free radicals in the skin. Its a beautiful addition to any morning or evening routine.

You can find out more about Rappaport Dermatology by checking out their website. You can also purchase SKN products on their website.
And follow them on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest
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