Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food… Hippocrates
If you scroll through my Instagram feed, you will see I am a huge believer in the benefits of eating the rainbow.
The more colors you use, the more varied the antioxidants and vitamins you are consuming. And these are vital to our body’s wellbeing.
Each different colored ingredient has different nutrients that our bodies need to stay healthy. These gems are found in the bounty provided by Mother Nature.
Pretty food also tastes better since we eat with our eyes first. And our brains crave variety, so the different colors trick you into being satisfied so you don’t overeat.
Try playing a game the next time you put together a plate. See how many colors you and your family can add to the dish. Your body will thank you.
What tricks do you use to getting more variety into your diets? I’d love you to share.

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