In America, one must be something, but in Italy one can simply be… Pietro Maneos
No need to keep striving before one can arrive. No need to accumulate possessions or wealth. No need to have our names scrawled on huge billboard dotting the “Sunset Strip” or measure ourselves by the number of social media likes or follows.
Just a quiet sense of calm. A peace that is all encapsulating. It envelops you in it’s warm embrace. An inner knowing that you are exactly where you are meant to be. In the perfect spot. Right here, right now. Amidst Mother Nature and her gorgeous creations.
Dancing with the butterflies and bees. Singing along with the cacophony of bird songs and hooting owls that make up the world’s greatest orchestra. Your nostrils full of the scent of magnolia and evening jasmine.
I guess that is why I picked this this gorgeous Tuscan countryside to be my final resting place.
It does not require you to change anything about yourself to fit in. It doesn’t ask anything of you. Instead it finds a way to give to you. It feeds your soul with joy and your belly with delicious food.
It delights you with magical places to explore and warm friendly, lively company and laughter along the journey. Everything about the culture is rich, vibrant and brimming with life.
It is also the place I chose to write my fouth book about miracles. A place where I can really tune into the silence that is all Creation. And I know that out of this quiet I will find the right voice to deliver my message.
In the silence and stillness, I can hear the birds, the roosters and the wind rustling the olive trees just outside my window. I drink in the rolling green hills and the fields dotted with wildflowers. And all is right in this world.
I am detached from the outcome and surrendering to the process. And I know in my soul that the words landing on the page are totally unfiltered.
This book is my love letter to you. When you follow the steps and principles I am outlying in it, you will have a clear road map to manifest miracles of your own.I am not judging or trying to mold and shape them into anything. I’m just trusting them, letting them flow out as my truth.
If you have never visited this magnificent country, I encourage you to put Italy at the very top of your bucket list. You will not be disappointed…
Sending so much love.

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