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I'm Melissa!

A Food Network chef + mama obsessed with travel, and mouth watering food. I also own a gorgeous cooking school in Italy. My mission? To share the secrets of La Dolce Vita so you can create a healthy, beautiful, delicious life filled with joy!


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I would love nothing more than to be able to spend the day with my amazing community of family and friends around the world. I would love to be able to stare into each of your eyes and give you a huge, big hug. I’d like to take the time to express my genuine, heartfelt gratitude for all that you have given me in 2017.

It was a hard, rough, emotional year. I cried, I hurt, I grew, I healed. And I could not have made it to the other side without all your love, support, advice, encouragement and warmth. You truly saved me. And I am so humbled, grateful and blessed to have each of you in my family.

So since we can’t all be together today, I decided on the next best thing. I would write a letter (aka post), put it in a bottle (aka the cyber web) and let the ocean carry it to you.

It’s a mish mash of random thoughts ….50 key lessons I have learned from the books I’ve read, the feelings that came up, the tears I cried and the joy I felt during many, many hundreds of hours of solitude and pure silence.

It also includes my wishes, hopes and dreams for all of you. I love you all so much and look forward to the journey that awaits us in the New Year. I am so blessed to have you along for the ride. I love you most xxx Chef MM

  1. You are a child of G-d and He only wants the best for you. He wants you to flourish, blossom and grow.
  2. All His children are equally perfect creations and we all have the same light of Him inside us.
  3. You are not walking alone. G-d and those you have lost are right beside you. You may not be able to see them but they are with you at all times. Watching over you, protecting you and cheering you on.
  4. You are exactly where you are meant to be. Trust that this present moments is all that has ever been and all that will ever be. And it is all in Divine order.
  5. You are worth finding, worth knowing, worth loving…. Believe it in your heart and tell yourself this often
  6. You don’t need to carry you excess baggage around with you. Accept that it is impossible to change the past. So if it does not serve you, leave it behind and walk away from it.
  7. The wake cannot drive the boat. Nothing about your past has any effect or influence on this moment. The only thing driving the boat is the NOW so stop wasting the present looking back.
  8. Thank your hurt, suffering, mistakes and pain. Each of them had some valuable lesson to teach you and they have helped you grow into the person you are now. They all had a purpose.
  9. You are blessed with abundance… Yes, you are thin, gorgeous, rich, smart, talented and blessed enough.
  10. There is nothing outside in the material world of form that can bring you peace and contentment. It starts with loving yourself from the inside. Until you can love yourself, faults and all, it will be hard for others to love you.
  11. Surrender control to G-d and trust that whatever is on the path ahead is His will. So don’t waste time worrying about things out of your control. Instead enjoy the here and now.
  12. Look at people in their eyes and smile. By doing this you are sharing the most valuable gift you have to give away and it costs nothing.
  13. When you have a choice to be right or kind, always choose kind. Winning is overrated.
  14. In moments of stress, fear, hurt or anger breathe mindfully. Focus on inhaling and then exhaling and take these deep breathes until you re-center. And don’t say anything until you do. Words cannot be taken back.
  15. Always tell the truth. Even if it hurts sometimes be honest. As long as your truth is coming from a good place with no malicious intentions you have a right to express your feelings. Holding onto them just creates unnecessary suffering.
  16. If you dream it and believe it, with all your heart, you can achieve it. All things are possible.
  17. Remove the words no and impossible from your dictionary and remind yourself that you are a Divine child of this Universe and you can do anything.
  18. Follow your passion. Find that thing that you cannot live without. The thing that makes you smile from the inside and do it. And ignore anyone that tells you, you can’t
  19. It’s never too late to make changes and learn new things. We are all students of life and the only time we stop learning is when we are dead.
  20. Don’t be afraid to say sorry. Mistakes happen, but accepting you made one and apologizing allows you to move past the pain and anguish it is causing you. Even if the other person doesn’t accept it, say it. By doing so you no longer allow yourself to be poisoned with the darkness.
  21. Forgive yourself and others. We are all doing the best we can do and beating ourselves up about would’ve, should’ve, could’ve accomplishes nothing. You are a new person today. So let go of the shame or blame and resolve to do a better job in the now.
  22. Give generously with an open heart. Because it is only when we give do we make space inside to receive blessings
  23. Keep it simple. Remember that a good laugh, a hug from a loved one, a kind word, time with family and friends are better than a kingdom of jewels
  24. Make the now the primary focus of your life and concentrate on whatever or whomever G-d has put in front of you NOW
  25. Give yourself permission to step away from people and situations that bring darkness to you. You don’t even need to let these people know you are stepping away. In fact, it’s even better if they think you are still part of the gang. And never hate them. Quite the opposite…send them love and pray for them.
  26. If you are always looking back or forward you will miss all the miracles and open doors around you. And there is no such thing as a coincidence.
  27. Be patient. Don’t be in any rush to get where you are going. Trust that whatever is meant to happen will do so in the right time. Trust the unfolding hand of G-d.
  28. Never allow small minds to convince you your dreams are too big. And never play small to make someone feel safe or comfortable. You were meant to shine.
  29. Always stay humble and remember that whatever you have is because of your Creator. He is the one doling out the blessings and use these blessings to spread more light.
  30. There is a message in a way a person treats you. Just listen to it and be brave enough to step away from them if need be, towards the light. Cause you are magnificent and perfect.
  31. The best way to heal yourself is to help others heal. In giving we receive
  32. Always listen you your gut. It is G-d’s voice to you.
  33. Let go of your ego. Stope chasing after what others have. By letting go of ego, jealousy and greed, you will create space for spirit and in doing so you will find peace and happiness.
  34. The soul knows how to heal, but in order to do so we need to quiet our mind and tune into the silence (G-d’s one and only voice).
  35. Keep a gratitude journal and list 3 things you are grateful for every day.
  36. No one every ages while sitting at the dinner table so always make time for long, leisurely family meals.
  37. Tell those you love as often as you can how much they mean to you. Don’t wait till it’s too late.
  38. The only goal you should have, is to be better today than you were yesterday. You don’t need to be perfect. As long as you are moving forward that is all that counts.
  39. Start every morning with a few moments of silence and end each day with a few moments of silence.
  40. The secret to having it all is believing that you already do. We need to trust in the fact that everything that we desire is already in the Universe waiting for us.
  41. Don’t conform to fit in. It is the ones who leave the path to create their own that make the most difference in the world. So blaze a new trail in a weird and wonderful direction.
  42. If something makes you afraid, it is probably a sign that it is something you need to do.
  43. One person can change this world. Smile by smile, kind gesture by kind gesture, we can bring light into the dark places and help heal the world.
  44. To truly love yourself you have to also love the experiences that shaped you, warts and all.
  45. You were not put on earth to live a mediocre life. Make it count. Go big
  46. Make time to read. All the worlds’ wealth can be found in the paper pages of books.
  47. You can create miracles. Put a picture of what you want in your mind and trust and have faith that all things are possible.
  48. Make sure to take time to get into nature every day. It is the best therapy. And keep an eye out for the butterflies.
  49. Wish well for those around you. There is enough abundance in the Universe for all of us to achieve our heart’s desire.
  50. Meditate, meditate, meditate… Man’s biggest problems all stem from his inability to sit quietly with himself.

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I'm Melissa, your host & tour guide.

A Food Network chef, author, mamma, eternal optimist, wannabe-mermaid, spice mixologist, and “dough therapist” (yep, it’s a thing)—

I'm also the founder of Susina Cucina, the gorgeous, Italian cooking school I manifested into my reality. I’m obsessed with Aperol spritzes, travel, and mouthwatering food… especially pizza and pasta.

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Food Netwok Chef, Melissa is dishing up delicious food and a once-in-a-lifetime experience for your soul.

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The Magic of Italy
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Food Netwok Chef, Melissa is dishing up delicious food and a once-in-a-lifetime experience for your soul.

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Healthy living is beautiful … That’s why it’s calledLa Dolce Vita”.


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