A healthy body needs a healthy mind and soul.
Most people incorrectly assume that taking care of themself is selfish!
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But they are soooo wrong... In fact it’s the total opposite.
There is a reason why they tell you in the event of a plane crash to put on your own oxygen mask fist.
Cause if you aren’t okay, you’re of no use to others around you.
And a healthy body requires more than just nutritious, delicious food to nourish it and daily exercise. There is a definite mind-body connection. So my approach to health a holistic one.
In today’s busy world we move at lightning speed. We’re going on a bazillion miles a minute. So the best way to take care of yourself is to carve out time every single day to slow it all down and nourish your body, mind, and soul.
My goal is to share simple ways that you can practice self-care.
Pick and choose from my suggestions. Mix and match the ones that work for you each day. But whatever you do…
Love yourself enough to take care of yourself.
Cause you are a one-of-a-kind miracle. And you have important work to do. So keep shining like the super star you are darling.
Big hugs and kisses xxx MM
- 02:38 – An attitude of gratitude
- 03:50 – Exercise your brain + body
- 05:40 – Breathe deeply
- 06:25 – Put pen to paper
- 07:15 – Mother Nature is the best therapy
- 08:06 – Prioritize your Zzzzzz’s
- 09:09 – Meals and nutrition
- 10:55 – Volunteer your time
- 12:09 – Spine-health
- 13:47 – Unplug to recharge
- 15:23 – NO is a complete sentence
- 17:07 – Bedtime + Meditation
- 20:22 – Stop comparing yourself to others
- 22:13 – Declutter and organize your space
- 23:52 – Change your internal dialogue
- 24:43 – I AM affirmations
- FREE Manifesting Meditation
- Healthy Living is Beautiful Reset
- Over 300 FREE delicious recipes
- Miracles Manifested – A roadmap for manifesting

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