I feel like I won the lottery today. My two favorite people voted in favor of my new book. And their opinons are the only ones that truly matter to me.
I was nervous as all hell that Saul and Jade would hate my book. They just aren’t into all the spiritual mumbo jumbo that I am. But they promised they would read my first draft.
And I am ecstatic, because they loved it. And neither of them are the type to sugar coat their opinion. You have no clue how light I feel. If truth be told I wasn’t holding out much hope. So it feels frikkin amazing.
The best feedback Saul gave me, was that he loved the way I gave actionable, helpful steps that people can actually use. This was my goal the whole time I wrote. I kept asking myself if the road map I was providing was easy to follow.
I cannot wait to get this book proofed and edited so that I can share it with you. I know it is going to change your life and help you manifest all the miracles you desire.
Thanks for being so loving and supportive always. And thank you for pushing me to leave my comfort zone and create something completely new and different. I love you most
xxx MM
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