Our ego is this wicked little monster that wants us to accumulate, dominate and win out over others. It tells us that the more we have the better off we will be. It wants us to see ourselves as special and different from others. It also seeks to keeps us separate from our Creator.
But think about the needs of every human being. The most important thing in life is air. And it costs nothing, yet it is the thing needed by all life forms to survive and thrive.
Next comes water, which is not as abundant as air, but it’s still available at a minimal cost. Food, clothing and basic shelter, each cost a little more than the next, but they are still attainable.
Jewelry, sports cars, mansions, designer bags and exotic vacations are hardly a necessity, and these luxuries are the most expensive of all.
It no coincidence that our Creator has organized life’s basic essentials in such a way that those we need the most, are abundant and the cheapest to obtain.
Now ask yourself: That which you seek most…. HAPPINESS… Should it not be most abundant and the cheapest to find? If you are finding otherwise, then you need to reassess your life’s values and priorities.
May your life be full of meaning and things that matter.

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